things I’ve done
My resume GitHub profile

A minimalist, distraction-free text editor.

Also has a cloud backup solution in the form of Rite Cloud.

Source code

A web framework intended to make developing with the bare DOM easier while not creating unnecessary abstractions.

Logo made by Those Icons on Flaticon.

mkdir on steroids, a project initialisation script written in Python.
A static site generator made with Deno.
A Windows 98 clone written in vanilla HTML5+CSS+JS.
An app to send you annoying reminders to be mindful of the code you're writing.
A prompt-driven, terminal-based browser for the Gemini protocol. Written in Python.
A website displaying COVID-19 resource data. Fed by a Google Sheet powered by googlesheets-proxy.
nodejs + Python SCP reader.
Google Sheets downloader that exposes a simple API to download sheets and send them with the correct request headers. Built with express and node.js for Heroku.
Send virtual hugs to your friends! Made with JavaScript, everything is done client-side.
A website I made to display the results of the Talkative Server Worldwide Jam #1
A website I designed for the Quarantine Films Discord server.
A website I made for my friend and benefactor/kind webhost mouses from freenodeIRC
an old-school breakout clone I made over the course of an evening.glitchy fun for the whole family!
Bash projects
Various projects written in Bash.
C implementation of a doubly-linked list datatype.
A math game made for Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, 2019.
An election suite for a school-level Student Council election. Written in Java (wheee!)
Quick and dirty map editor, spits out a JSON file to stdout. very fun to do, made over the course of a couple of hours.
An interactive lab procedures manual for chemistry. Made the night before practicals. :P
I was tired of making coversheets for our school projects by hand that people kept bugging me to make (because apparently if you're good with doing one thing on a computer you can do everything that can possibly be done on one), so I made this nifty little website that allows you to make them automatically. Left here for my juniors.
The current version of sEngine, my 2d top-down game engine. Live version can be found here
A documentary about the coronavirus epidemic of 2020. Features voices of people talking about what thoughts help them bear quarantine and their hopes for the future. Submission to Quarantine International Film Festival, 1st edition.
It’s the end of the world. A man sits alone in a bunker, running out of power and oxygen. Sending music out to the remnants of humanity, he finds human connection, one last time. But more’s going on here than meets the eye... Submission to the Quarantine International Film Festival 2020 - Second Edition!
Graphic design stuff
I've done various logos, posters, invitations, and a couple business cards.[Contact me for samples.]
something I made for Talkative Server World Wide Game Jam. a story about death and the afterlife.